Carbon Neutral

Wherever possible, we seek to reduce our overall carbon footprint as a business, and since 2020 we are proud to have been involved in a carbon offsetting scheme so we can balance the portion of our manufacturing which is not yet carbon neutral.

Contributing to a sustainable, carbon neutral way of business is something we hold in high significance. At Hartwood Timber, we use approximately 3 tonnes of carbon per year in our operations, and to combat this it is recommended to plant 3 trees a year which can absorb that amount of carbon from the atmosphere.

However, as with our handcrafted products, we always seek to go the extra mile, and we partner with a scheme which plants 360 trees on our behalf every year to offset not only our carbon footprint, but that of many other businesses too!

Not content with just making our workshop as green as it can be, we have even placed our website hosting with some of the most efficient data centres in the UK. These use free cooling techniques, hot/cold isle containment and 100% renewable energy. They boast a large PuE (Power Usage Effectiveness) rating of 1.2, and their environmental management policy is externally assessed to ISO 14001 standards.

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